Difficult decisions that seem unfair and unreasonable on so many levels have brought us to the point of causing this heart break in our little one. In the end we believe he will be much happier and successful, but right now it just feels bleak and sad.
(photo credit)
I wish I had a magic wand to make it all different, but alas that magic escapes me...again.
And now I'm reminded through my sister and my aunt of the wisdom to "wish that each moment happens exactly as it does." It is one of the most difficult things to do when their is pain and suffering involved. It is much easier when all is well.
Allowing ourselves to be in the moments of pain and sorrow, to be with the ones we love in these moments without trying to fix it, smooth it over, make it better is so hard but so essential in our lives. It is the manifestation of the practice of lovingkindness and compassion...honoring all of who we are, all that life brings, and all that is possible...trusting that that the pain will end and through the darkness light will come if we can just be in the moment.
My favorite Buddha quote jumped off the page at me as I opened my blog today and seems so needed through these difficulties - Hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed. This is an ancient and eternal truth.
May lovingkindness fill your heart in each moment of each day.
Namaste - Lisa
Post script...I wrote this about six weeks ago, but couldn't bring myself to publish it as it was all too raw. Things are still challenging, but the light is beginning to shine through.
Hi Lisa,
ReplyDeleteAs I read your post, I wondered about the circumstances that could be causing your pain; but then I realized that the details didn't matter. As a mother, I'm quite familiar with that pain. I know the pain of a hurting child and the helpless feeling that accompanies it. I can remember times that I wished I had not become a mother because the pain was too unbearable; how at any time I would have traded them places because it's easier to deal with personal hurt than that of a child. It doesn't matter whether their pain is mental or physical, to me, it's the hardest part of being a parent, and maybe especially, a mother. It is precisely because of these things, that I was inspired to write a children's series to help the young ones feel love and nurtured, from the inside out. My belief is that we can't protect our children from the circumstances that they face on a day-to-day basis, but we can ensure that they are internally well-armed.
Thanks for your heartfelt post. I found your site somewhat accidently and decided to 'stop in' - I'm glad I did. If you don't mind, I'll join so that I can be reminded to stop back again. Feel free to check me out as well at www.gmlmseries.wordpress.com