As with my boys' steps into independence, this letting go provides a moment of pause and unexpected time and space that I can now choose how to fill...or not. I have spent nearly every Saturday morning for the past decade sharing my love of yoga with the Harmony/Mudra community. It feels both strange and freeing to anticipate not teaching this coming Saturday.
As I continue to explore what options are ahead, I am holding the space of gratitude for what was along with gratitude for what will be. I so appreciate the relationships and connections I have developed over the years. I have learned as much as I have taught and am a better person for having the opportunity to be present in the lives of my students. It seems fitting as we end this year and decade, moving into the clear vision of 2020, that this significant change is occurring.
I'll be sleeping in a little later this Saturday morning and practicing my yoga at home. May we each be open to all the possibilities the new year brings.
Namaste ~ Lisa
*Watch Finding the Balance Within, LLC on Facebook for new offerings in yoga and energy healing.
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